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Using the Correct Preposition after an Adjective 在形容詞後使用正確的前置詞

Adjectives are often used with prepositions. If you want to express a complete idea, knowing the correct preposition will definitely help. 形容詞常與前置詞(介詞)連用。如果你想表達一個完整的想法,知道正確的前置詞肯定會有幫助。 Can you complete the following story using the correct preposition in each blank? 你能在每個空白處使用正確的前置詞完成下面的故事嗎? Although Hazel is only 9 years old, she is quite independent (1) ____ her parents. Her parents have a lot of work to do, so Hazel has to take care of herself. Since she has a lot of time after school, she has developed an interest in sculpture. Her room is full (2) ____ figurines that she made. Hazel is also keen (3) ____ music and is good (4) ____ playing the violin. Three times a week, she visits a nearby community centre, where she can practise with friends who are also fond (5) ____ music. Hazel is not only friendly (6) ____ everyone at the community centre but also known (7) ____ her humour and wittiness. Even though Hazel’s parents are busy (8) ____ their work, they are aware (9) ____ their daughter’s situation and concerned (10) ____ her growth and development. Sunday is a day when the whole family stays together, having a barbecue or hiking over the hills.

雖然夏素只有九歲,但她非常獨立於父母。她的父母有很多工作要做,所以夏素必須照顧自己。由於放學後有很多時間,她對雕塑產生了興趣。她的房間裡擺滿了她製作的小雕像。 夏素還熱衷於音樂,擅長拉小提琴。她每週三次去附近的社區中心,在那裡她可以和同樣喜歡音樂的朋友一起練習。 夏素不僅對社區中心的每個人都很友好,而且以她的幽默和機智著稱。 儘管夏素的父母忙於工作,但他們了解女兒的情況並關心她的成長和發展。星期天是全家人聚在一起,燒烤或爬山的日子。

Grammar Notes 文法筆記 Adjectives are often joined together with particular prepositions to form collocations. 形容詞經常與特定的前置詞連在一起形成搭配。

Examples 例子: allergic to 過敏, clever at 聰明, capable of 能夠, lacking in 缺乏 Without prepositions, the adjectives can only express half of the meaning. 沒有前置詞,形容詞只能表達一半的意思。 • She is allergic. 她過敏。(meaning not complete 意思不完整) • She is allergic to seafood. 她對海鮮過敏。(meaning complete 意思完整) An adjective can be followed by one or more than one prepositions, and there are no particular rules to determine which preposition is used with which adjective. The following are lists of adjectives followed by the same preposition. 一個形容詞後面可以接 一個或多個前置詞,並且沒有特定的規則來確定哪個前置詞與哪個形容詞一起使用。 以下是形容詞列表,後跟相同的前置詞。 At good at 擅長 surprised at 對...感到驚訝 clumsy at 在...笨手笨腳的 terrible at 在...很糟糕 Of independent of 獨立於 fond of 喜愛 full of 充滿 aware of 了解 For responsible for 對...負責 known for 以...聞名 fit for 適合於 eager for 渴望 With busy with 忙於 filled with 充滿 satisfied with 對...滿意 careful with 小心 To friendly to 對...友好的 applicable to 適用於 adjacent to 在...毗鄰 attentive to 對...關注 About concerned about 對...關心 cautious about 對...謹慎 crazy about 對...瘋狂的 nervous about 對...緊張 On dependent on 依賴於 keen on 熱衷於 intent on 意圖 bent on 一心想 In interested in 對...有興趣 absorbed in 對...全神貫注 engaged in 從事 lacking in 缺乏 The answer 答案 1. independent of 2. full of 3. keen on 4. good at 5. fond of 6. friendly to 7. known for 8 busy with 9. aware of 10. concerned about Care must be taken when an adjective is followed by a number of prepositions. The meaning may vary, or what follows will be different. 當一個形容詞後接多個前置詞時必須小心。意思可能會有所不同,或者後面的內容會有所不同。 Different meanings 不同含義: • He is sick of doing homework. 他厭倦了做功課。 • He is sick from drinking contaminated water. 他因飲用受污染的水而生病。 Followed by different elements 後接不同的元素: • He is responsible for the scheme. 他負責該計劃 • He is responsible to the manager. 他對經理負責。

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